[Haskell-cafe] flatten a nested list
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Fri Dec 29 03:58:54 EST 2006
> I would like to write a program that can do something like this.
> ;; lisp syntax
> * (my-flatten '(1 (2 (3 4) 5)))
> (1 2 3 4 5)
> I end up like this.
> data Store a = E a | S [Store a]
> deriving (Show)
> flat :: [Store a] -> [a]
> flat [] = []
> flat ((E x):xs) = [x] ++ flat xs
> flat ((S x):xs) = flat x ++ flat xs
> so
> *Main> flat [E 1, S[E 2, S[E 3, E 4], E 5]]
> [1,2,3,4,5]
> Compare to a Lisp solution, It 's not looking good.
> Any suggestion.
Since this data type:
> data Store a = E a | S [Store a]
> deriving (Show)
Is isomorphic to the normal Data.Tree type anyway, so we'll use that:
> data Tree a = N a [Tree a]
> deriving Show
to define a new tree:
> tree = N 1 [N 2 [N 3 [], N 4 []], N 5 []]
Now we can flatten by folding:
> flatten t = go t []
> where go (N x ts) xs = x : foldr go xs ts
So we can flatten our test tree:
> list = flatten tree
Even run it:
> main = print (flatten tree)
Or in GHCi:
*Main> flatten tree
Based on Data.Tree in the base library.
-- Don
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