[Haskell-cafe] Re: Versioning

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Thu Dec 21 06:01:11 EST 2006

Simon Peyton-Jones schrieb:
> | One thing that might become a problem is that the "Scrap your
> | boilerplate" approach seems to work only in GHC.
> I don't think so. Other compilers might not support "deriving Data",
> but you can always write the instance by hand.

How much boilerplate would be needed in that case?
As far as I understood the web site, it would be around a line of code 
per data type, independently of the number of HOFs that need to iterate 
over the data structures - is that correct?

I understand that Drift is a kind of preprocessor / code generator. 
Could it be used to generate the necessary boilerplate?


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