[Haskell-cafe] AT solution: rebinding >>= for restricted monads

Iavor Diatchki iavor.diatchki at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 21:52:41 EST 2006

Hi David,

I don't think you need functional dependencies or associated
type synonyms to get your example to work.  In the past,
I have used the abstraction that you are describing (I call it
an "indexed monad" and it has a nice categorical definition).
Here is how you can define it:

> class IxMonad m where
>    (>>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
>    ret    :: a -> m i i a

Next, you wanted to define an instances that captured the
fact that any monad is trivially an indexed monad.  Here
is how you can do this:

> newtype FromMonad m i j a = M { unM :: m a }
> instance Monad m => IxMonad (FromMonad m) where
>   ret x         = M (return x)
>   M m >>>= f    = M (m >>= (unM . f))

We use a newtype to prevent this instance overlapping with
other instances.

And just for fun we can define another indexed monad:
state that supports "strong updates" (i.e., the type
of the state can change as you compute):

> newtype State i j a = S { unS :: i -> (a,j) }
> instance IxMonad State where
>   ret x         = S (\s -> (x,s))
>   S m >>>= f    = S (\s1 -> let (a,s2) = m s1
>                             in unS (f a) s2)

Here are some operations to access and modify the state:

> get :: State s s s
> get = S (\s -> (s,s))
> set :: s1 -> State s2 s1 s2
> set s1 = S (\s2 -> (s2,s1))

Notice that swapping "s1" and "s2" results in a type error.  Nice.
Also by choosing different operations one can enforce other
properties.  Now lets try it out:

> test = set True >>>= \x ->
>        set 'a'  >>>= \y ->
>        ret (x,y)

And it is all Haskell 98!  Another interesting example of
an indexed monad is the continuation monad (I noticed that
from Wadler's "Composable Continuations" paper).

I hope this helps!

On 12/17/06, David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net> wrote:
> Here's a sketch of an idea as a solution to my dilemma, which unfortunately
> requires associated types.  Any suggestions how it might be translatable
> into functional dependencies? (I should say, I've not got a HEAD ghc, and
> am just going by memory on my indexed types syntax.)
> class Witness w where
>     type M w a b
>     (>>=) :: M w a b x -> (x -> M w b c y) -> M w a c y
>     (>>) :: M w a b x -> M w b c y -> M w a c y
>     f >> g = f >>= const g
>     return :: x -> M w a a x
>     fail :: String -> M w a b x
> instance Monad m => Witness m where
>     M m a b = m
>     (>>=) = Prelude.(>>=)
>     (>>) = Prelude.(>>)
>     return = Prelude.return
>     fail = Prelude.fail
> with these definitions it seems that any existing monad will continue to
> work as it always had, but I can now add new special sorts of monadish
> objects, such as
> data RepositoryMonad a b x = RM ...
> instance Witness RepositoryMonad where
>    M RepositoryMonad x y = RepositoryMonad x y
>    ...
> which would allow me to create a monad in which the actions are limited
> according to witness types, such as
> applyPatchToWorking :: Patch a b -> RepositoryMonad (rec,a) (rec,b) ()
> --
> David Roundy
> http://www.darcs.net
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