[Haskell-cafe] Re: Reversing a string of words: C# v Perl V Ruby v Haskell

Yitz Gale gale at sefer.org
Tue Dec 12 21:54:28 EST 2006

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH writes:
> Off the top of my head, the C++ one translates to:
> *Main> concatMap reverse . groupBy (\l r -> (l == ' ') == (r == '  
> ')) . reverse $ "one two  three   four    "
> "    four   three  two one"
> There are almost certainly more idiomatic ways to do it, but I'm  
> still learning.

Nice. Here is something similar:

reverseWords = concat . reverse . groupBy eqsp
  where eqsp x y = isSpace x == isSpace y

_._ .._. ___.. _. ....   _.. .   .__ _... ___.. ... _. _._

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