[Haskell-cafe] Reversing a string of words: C# v Perl V Ruby vHaskell

Bernie Pope bjpop at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Sun Dec 10 08:48:46 EST 2006

On 10/12/2006, at 11:51 PM, Neil Mitchell wrote:

> Hi
>> What about just:
>>     reverseWords = concat . intersperse " " . reverse . words
> Dr Haskell says:
> [http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/projects/drhaskell.php]
> "Use unwords instead of concat (intersperse space ...)"
> Which gives us:
> reverseWords = unwords . reverse . words

Lovely stuff.

Just in case you prefer reading left-to-right, another variation is:

    import Control.Arrow

    reverseWords = words >>> reverse >>> unwords

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