[Haskell-cafe] Reversing a string of words: C# v Perl V Ruby v
Andrew Savige
ajsavige at yahoo.com.au
Sun Dec 10 06:50:38 EST 2006
Recently, the C# programmers at work have been asking job
applicants to write a function to reverse a string of words.
For example, given an input string of:
" one two three four "
the function should produce:
"four three two one"
That is, the input string reversed word by word, with a single
space between each word and with no leading or trailing space.
(You may assume that the input string consists only of alphabetic
characters, spaces and tabs).
A popular C# approach goes something like:
private static string reverseWords(string str) {
string[] words = Array.FindAll<string>(str.Split(
new char[] {' ','\t'}),
delegate(string s) {
return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s); });
int i = words.Length - 1;
if (i < 0)
return String.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(words[i]);
while (--i >= 0)
sb.Append(' ').Append(words[i]);
return sb.ToString();
Though the C# programmers seem happy enough with this solution,
it's a bit too verbose for my personal taste. For cheap thrills,
I'd like to show them some solutions to their little problem in
other, er, less verbose languages.
In Perl, I have:
sub reverseWords {
join ' ', reverse split(' ', shift)
In Ruby:
def reverseWords(str)
str.split(' ').reverse.join(' ')
Finally, and please don't laugh, in Haskell (GHC):
reverseWords :: String -> String
reverseWords xs = (concat (intersperse " " (reverse (words xs))))
which does appear to work correctly. However, I would like to do
justice to Haskell as a language -- and given that my clumsy
Haskell is not written in expert style -- I'm hoping that someone
on this list might offer a better, faster, or more idiomatic
Haskell solution to this little problem.
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