[Haskell-cafe] "computational time" always 0.0 in this example...
lemmih at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 09:47:37 EST 2006
On 12/7/06, Lennart <lray at l-ray.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> with the following code, I want to measure the time being needed to
> execute the algorithm. But the result is always 0.0.
> import Char (toLower)
> import Maybe
> import List ( delete, sort, intersect )
> import System.CPUTime
> import Control.Exception
> import Debug.Trace
> fromInt = fromIntegral
> wordList2 :: [String]
> wordList2 = ["Sam J Chapman",
> "Samuel Chapman",
> "S Chapman",
> "Samuel John Chapman",
> "John Smith",
> "Richard Smith",
> "aaaa mnop zzzz",
> "bbbb mnop yyyy",
> "aa mnop zzzzzz",
> "a ",
> "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
> "aaaa bcdefgh mmmmmmmm stuvwx zzzzzz",
> "jjjj bcdefgh qqqqqqqq stuvx yyyyyy",
> "aaaaa bcdefgh stuvwx zzzzzz",
> "aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa zzzzzz",
> "aaaaa aaaaa"]
> time :: IO t -> IO t
> time a = do
> start <- getCPUTime
> v <- a
> end <- getCPUTime
> let diff = (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10^12)
> -- let diff = (fromIntegral (end - start))
> putStrLn "Computation time:"
> print (diff :: Double)
> return v
> main = do
> putStrLn "Starting..."
> time $ doTest wordList2 wordList2 `seq` return ()
> putStrLn "Done."
> test3 = let loop = getCPUTime >>= print >> loop in loop
> doTest :: [String] -> [String] -> [ Double ]
> doTest [] _ = []
> doTest (x:xs) [] = doTest xs xs
> doTest (x:xs) (y:ys) = result : (doTest (x:xs) (ys))
> where result = qGramMetrics2 x y
> qGramMetrics2:: String -> String -> Double
> qGramMetrics2 t1 t2 = let i = intersect (qGramList (map toLower t1) 3)
> (qGramList (map toLower t2) 3)
> il = fromInt (length i)
> ml = fromInt ((max (length t1) (length t2)) - 1 )
> in (il / ml )
> -- list of chars within list of qgrams
> qGramList :: String -> Int -> [[Char]]
> qGramList [] _ = []
> qGramList (x:[]) _ = []
> qGramList (x:xs) i1 = (x: take (i1 - 1) xs):(qGramList xs i1)
> -- list of chars within list of qgrams
> numberedQgramListWithStart :: String -> Int -> [(Int, [Char])]
> numberedQgramListWithStart x i1 = let prefix = replicate (i1-1) '#'
> suffix = replicate (i1-1) '$'
> in numberedQgramList (prefix++(x++suffix)) i1 0
> numberedQgramList :: String -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, [Char])]
> numberedQgramList [] _ _ = []
> numberedQgramList (x:xs) i1 i2
> -- add the dollar-sign
> | (length xs) < i1 && x=='$'= []
> | otherwise = (i2,(x: take (i1 - 1) xs)):(numberedQgramList
> xs i1 (i2+1))
> Am using ghci 6.6 under a Kubuntu 6.10 Linux.
> time $ product [1..1000] `seq` return ()
> instead of
> time $ doTest wordList2 wordList2 `seq` return ()
> works fine.
> things like
> time $ print (doTest wordList2 wordList2) `seq` return () or
> time $ length (doTest wordList2 wordList2) `seq` return () or
> time $ trace (doTest wordList2 wordList2) `seq` return ()
> didn't work.
> Am desperated...
Running 'doTest wordList2 wordList2' takes less than 0.00s. Find a
more time consuming function and you will be fine.
Also, have a look at ':set +s' in ghci
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