[Haskell-cafe] Re: Difficult memory leak in array processing

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Dec 3 00:39:50 EST 2006

> Duncan Coutts wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 20:27 +0100, apfelmus at quantentunnel.de wrote:
> > 
> >> On the implementation level, lazy evaluation is in the way when
> >> crunching bytes.
> > 
> > Something I rather enjoyed when hacking on the ByteString lib is finding
> > that actually lazy evaluation is great when crunching bytes, though you
> > do need to know exactly when to use it.
> > 
> > Lazy ByteStrings rely on lazy evaluation of course. Demanding a lazy
> > ByteString alternates between strictly filling in big chunks of data in
> > memory with lazily suspending before producing the next chunk.
> > 
> > As many people have observed before, FP optimisation is to a great
> > extent about thinking more carefully about a better evaluation order for
> > a computation and making some bits stricter and some bits lazier to get
> > that better evaluation order.
> I completely agree. My statement was not well formulated, I actually
> meant that the overhead implied by lazy evaluation occurring at every
> single byte to be crunched is in the way. In this case, the cost is too
> high to pay off as the bytes are most likely consumed anyway. The
> detailed account keeping about every byte ("is it _|_ or not?") is
> unnecessary for a (map) which invariably does look at every byte. The
> situation is already different for a (fold), though:
>     any p = foldr (\x b -> p x `or` b) False
> Here, the computation may stop at any position in the list.
> In a sense, lazy ByteStrings just reduce the "cost of lazy evaluation" /
> byte ratio by grouping bytes strictly. Bookkeeping becomes cheaper
> because one doesn't look up so often. Of course, with a stricter fold,
> (any) gets more costly. The aim is to make the former ratio smaller
> while not raising the latter too much. One may say that ByteString makes
> explicit what the "Optimistic Haskell Compiler" aimed to make implicit.

This is a very interesting insight. Indeed, it does act much this way.

-- Don

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