[Haskell-cafe] Generate 50 random coordinates
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat Dec 2 02:31:20 EST 2006
> Hello,all
> My intention is to generate 50 random coordinates like (x,y).
> myrand :: Int
> myrand = randomRIO(1::Int, 100)
> rf=[(myrand, myrand) | a <- [1..50]]
> My short program is like this. However, GHCI say that the return type of
> randomRIO is IO a while the function defined by me is Int. Since I only need
> a integral type as my cooridinate, could you tell me how to fix this?
Try initialising your random generator in 'main' , creating a list of
infinite randoms, take the number you need, then feed that to the
functions that need the list:
import System.Random
import Text.Printf
import Data.Word
main = do
g <- newStdGen -- intialise a random generator
let (a,b) = split g -- create two separate generators
as = randoms a -- one infinite list of randoms
bs = randoms b -- another
rs = zip as bs -- an infite list of pairs
dump (take 50 rs) -- take 50, and consume them
dump :: [(Int,Int)] -> IO ()
dump s = mapM_ (uncurry (printf "(%d,%d)\n")) s
And running this:
$ runhaskell A.hs
-- Don
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