[Haskell-cafe] IFF reader and writer
Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Fri Dec 1 16:14:35 EST 2006
This parser was quick to write and works on AIFF files. It does not do much
validation, and bits from 2 to 4 GB in length will cause errors.
module LoadIFF(IFF(..),parseIFF,IDType,FormType,ContentsType) where
import Data.List(unfoldr,span)
import Data.Bits((.|.),shiftL)
import Data.Word(Word32)
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B(take,drop,splitAt,length,unpack)
type IDType = String
type FormType = String
type ContentsType = String
data IFF = IFF_Form {len :: Word32
,typeID :: FormType
,parts :: [IFF]
| IFF_List {len :: Word32
,typeID :: ContentsType
,props :: [IFF]
,parts :: [IFF]
| IFF_Cat {len :: Word32
,typeID :: ContentsType
,parts :: [IFF]
| IFF_Prop {len :: Word32
,typeID :: FormType
,parts :: [IFF]
| IFF_Chunk {len :: Word32
,typeID :: IDType
,rawContent :: ByteString
instance Show IFF where
show IFF_Form { typeID = name, len = size, parts = p } =
"IFF_Form {typeID="++show name++",size="++show size++",parts="++show p++"}"
show IFF_List { typeID = name, len = size, props = ps, parts = p } =
"IFF_List {typeID="++show name++",size="++show size++",props"++show
ps++",parts="++show p++"}"
show IFF_Cat { typeID = name, len = size, parts = p } =
"IFF_Cat {typeID="++show name++",size="++show size++",parts="++show p++"}"
show IFF_Prop { typeID = name, len = size, parts = p } =
"IFF_Prop {typeID="++show name++",size="++show size++",parts="++show p++"}"
show IFF_Chunk { typeID = name, len = size } = "IFF_Chunk {typeID="++show
name++",size="++show size++"}"
b2s = map (toEnum . fromEnum) . B.unpack
isProp IFF_Prop {} = True
isProp _ = False
parseIFF :: ByteString -> Maybe (IFF,ByteString)
parseIFF b | B.length b <=8 = Nothing
| otherwise =
let (bID,b') = B.splitAt 4 b
(bLEN,b'') = B.splitAt 4 b'
(bTypeID,content) = B.splitAt 4 b''
[x1,x2,x3,x4] = map fromIntegral (B.unpack bLEN)
iLEN = (shiftL x1 24) .|. (shiftL x2 16) .|. (shiftL x3 8) .|. x4
toNext = (if odd iLEN then succ else id) (fromIntegral iLEN)
rest = B.drop toNext b''
in if iLEN > fromIntegral (B.length b'')
then Nothing
else let iff = case b2s bID of
"FORM" -> IFF_Form {len = iLEN
,typeID = b2s bTypeID
,parts = unfoldr parseIFF content}
"LIST" -> let (ps,cs) = span isProp (unfoldr parseIFF
in IFF_List {len = iLEN
,typeID = b2s bTypeID
,props = ps
,parts = cs}
"CAT " -> IFF_Cat {len = iLEN
,typeID = b2s bTypeID
,parts = unfoldr parseIFF content}
"Prop" -> IFF_Prop {len = iLEN
,typeID = b2s bTypeID
,parts = unfoldr parseIFF content}
chunkID -> IFF_Chunk {len = iLEN
,typeID = chunkID
,rawContent = content}
in Just (iff,rest)
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