[Haskell-cafe] Draft MissingH Reorg Plan

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Fri Dec 1 07:25:49 EST 2006

John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> wrote:

> Please tell me if I should just go away or go to another list here.

How about libraries at haskell.org?

>   http://software.complete.org/missingh/wiki/TransitionPlanning
> Your comments (and edits! -- must register/login first) are welcome.

About Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.RFC2234 and the like.  Although I
can't see what this code does (no links on the wiki, and port 70 is
firewalled here), I would be prepared to bet that you do not in fact
define any new combinators for parsing.  What you have there is a parser
for a specific little language.  Even if it is implemented using parsec
combinators, it does not belong with them.

Alternative suggestions:


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