[Haskell-cafe] ReadP question
Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Thu Aug 31 11:46:14 EDT 2006
Tom Phoenix wrote:
> On 8/30/06, Chris Kuklewicz <haskell at list.mightyreason.com> wrote:
>> > -- Simulate "(a?|b+|c*)*d" regular expression
>> But 'go' seems to not terminate with the leading 'star'
> Unless I'm missing something... The part of the pattern inside the
> parentheses should successfully match at least the empty string at the
> beginning of the string. Since it's regulated by the second (outer)
> 'star', it will keep matching as long as it keeps succeeding; since it
> keeps matching the empty string, it keeps matching forever in the same
> spot.
> To solve this problem, your implementation of 'star' could perhaps be
> changed to answer "no more matches" rather than "infinitely many
> matches" once the body fails to consume any characters.
> Hope this helps!
> --Tom Phoenix
And that is indeed the solution. But then I wanted $ end-of-line anchors (easy)
and ^ begin-of-line anchors (annoying). But it works now:
-- | Using ReadP to simulate regular expressions, finding the longest match
-- by Chris Kuklewicz, public domain
import Control.Monad
import Data.Set(Set,member)
import Data.Maybe(maybe)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
type R = Char -> ReadP (Int,Char)
dot :: R
dot _ = do x <- get
return (1,x)
anyOf :: Set Char -> R
anyOf s _ = do
x <- satisfy (`member` s)
return (1,x)
noneOf :: Set Char -> R
noneOf s _ = do
x <- satisfy (not.(`member` s))
return (1,x)
c :: Char -> R
c x _ = char x >> return (1,x)
cs :: String -> R
cs [] prev = return (0,prev)
cs xs _ = string xs >> return (length xs,last xs)
atBOL prev =
case prev of '\n' -> return (0,prev)
_ -> pfail
atEOL prev = do
rest <- look
case rest of [] -> return (0,prev)
('\n':_) -> return (0,prev)
_ -> pfail
-- Consume like x? x+ x* and return the length
quest,plus,star :: R -> R
quest x = x <|> (\prev -> return (0,prev))
plus x = x +> star x
star x prev = until0 0 prev
where until0 t prev' = do
(len,prev'') <- quest x prev'
if (0==len)
then return (t,prev'')
else let tot = t + len
in seq tot (until0 tot prev'')
upToN :: Int -> R -> R
upToN n x = helper n
where helper 0 prev t = return (t,prev)
helper i prev t = do
(len,prev') <- x prev
if 0==len
then return (t,prev')
else helper (pred i) prev' $! t+len
ranged 0 Nothing x = star x
ranged 0 (Just n) x | n>0 = upToN n x
ranged m n x | (m>=0) && maybe True (\n'->n'>=m) n =
doSeq (replicate m x) +> (ranged 0 (fmap (subtract m) n) x)
| otherwise = (\prev -> return (0,prev))
infixr 6 +>
infixr 5 <|>
(+>),(<|>) :: R -> R -> R
(+>) x y = (\prev -> do
(lenX,prev') <- x prev
(lenY,prev'') <- y prev'
let tot = lenX + lenY
seq tot (return (tot,prev''))
(<|>) x y = (\prev -> (x prev) +++ (y prev))
orSeq,doSeq :: [R] -> R
orSeq [] prev = return (0,prev)
orSeq xs prev = foldr1 (<|>) xs $ prev
doSeq [] prev = return (0,prev)
doSeq xs prev = foldr1 (+>) xs $ prev
-- Simulate "(^a|b+|c*|^.)*(d|_rest_)$" regular expression
test = star (orSeq [quest (c 'a')
,plus (c 'b')
,star (c 'c')
,atBOL +> dot ]) +> doSeq [c 'd' <|> cs "_rest_",atEOL]
go foo = case readP_to_S (gather (test '\n')) foo of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just (last xs)
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