[Haskell-cafe] state and exception or types again...
Brian Hulley
brianh at metamilk.com
Mon Aug 28 16:28:02 EDT 2006
Andrea Rossato wrote:
> Now I'm trying to create a statefull evaluator, with output and
> exception, but I'm facing a problem I seem not to be able to
> conceptually solve.
> data Eval_SOI a = Raise { unPackMSOIandRun :: State -> (a, State,
> Output) } | SOIE { unPackMSOIandRun :: State -> (a,
> State, Output) }
If you instead consider that you want the wrapped function to evaluate to a
result that allows you to continue, or a result that is an exception, then
you could use a flag to record whether or not an exception occurred eg:
data Eval_SOI a = SOIE {runSOIE :: State -> (a, State, Output, Bool)}
where the 4th element of the tuple is True iff we can continue or False iff
an exception occurred.
> raise x e = Raise (\s -> (x,s,e))
raise x e = SOIE {\s -> (x, s, e, False)}
instance Monad Eval_SOI where
return a = SOIE (\s -> (a, s, "", True))
m >>= f = SOIE $ \x ->
r1@(a, y, o1, ok1) = runSOIE m x
in if ok1
(b, z, o2, ok2) = runSOIE (f a) y
in (b, z, o1 ++ o2, ok2)
else r1
ie if runSOIE m x does not result in an exception then we continue with the
second computation otherwise we just return the exception (r1) immediately.
Note I have not tested the above code so it may have a bug in it (also I
renamed s1 and s2 to o1 and o2 to avoid confusion with the use of "s" to
mean "state")...
Regards, Brian.
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