[Haskell-cafe] More threading confusion
Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Thu Aug 17 19:22:12 EDT 2006
Creighton Hogg wrote:
> Good afternoon Haskellers,
> So I'm trying to understand how STM works, and wrote a quick 'eating
> philosophers' example to see if I understood how it's supposed to work.
> The problem is that while it executes, it doesn't appear to *do* anything.
> Did I completely write things wrongheadedly or am I being bitten by
> something more subtle?
One of the things biting you is more subtle. Since it is Aug 18th,2006, lets
call that "snake #1". Another is the single TVar, call that "snake #2":
> Thanks.
> import Control.Concurrent.STM
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Data.Array
> import System.Random
> think :: IO ()
> think = do
> ms <- randomRIO (20,1000)
> threadDelay ms
> data Philosopher = Philosopher {left::Bool,right::Bool,neighbors::(Int,Int)}
> deriving Show
> makeInitPhilosopher a = Philosopher {left=False,right=False,neighbors=a}
Each philosopher starts with False False.
> initPhilosophers = listArray (0,4)
> (map makeInitPhilosopher [(1,4),(2,0),(3,1),(4,2),(0,3)])
So philosopher 0 sits next to 1 and 4, and #1 sits next to 2 and 0. Okay.
> main = do
> z <- atomically $ newTVar initPhilosophers
There is a single TVar in the program with the global state. By the way: This
is not the best design, since it prevents concurrent updates. Imagine
philosopher #0 and #2 both taking left and right. They will both contest the
single TVar and one will have to retry even though this is unneeded. This is
snake #2.
> mapM_ (\x -> forkIO (loop x z 0 10000)) [0,1,2,3,4]
This is good, but "main" finished immediately. This may end your program...I
forget the semantics of the extra threads.
> loop n tps c l | c > l = (atomically (readTVar tps)) >>= (\x -> print x)
> | otherwise = do
> think
> atomically $ eat n tps
So the atomic action of eat either will run to completion, or be retried. The
other philosophers only notice eat when it finishes.
> loop n tps (c+1) l
> eat :: Int -> TVar (Array Int Philosopher) -> STM ()
> eat n tps = do
> takeLeft n tps
> takeRight n tps
> releaseLeft n tps
> releaseRight n tps
Hmmm... if release undoes take then when eat completes there will be no visible
change. In that case "atomically $ eat n tps" will have had no affect on other
parts of the program. This could be snake #1
> takeLeft :: Int -> TVar (Array Int Philosopher) -> STM ()
> takeLeft n tps = do
> ps <- readTVar tps
> let p = ps ! n
> if right (ps ! (fst $ neighbors p)) == False
> then (writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{left=True})])
> else retry
Okay. I can see that if both #0's left and #1's right are both "True" then they
are both holding the same piece of silverware, and this code is designed to
avoid that. Skipping the *Right code:
> releaseLeft n tps = do
> ps <- readTVar tps
> let p = ps ! n
> writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{left=False})]
Okay, this reverses takeLeft.
So your "atomically $ eat", if it succeeds, changes the array in the TVar and
then changes it back to what it was before.
If any other philosopher eats in the meantime, then you have to retry eating.
So only one philosopher will get to eat at a time. This is a poor solution to
the problem.
Suggestion for killing snake #1: Give each piece of silverware a TVar. Perhaps
an (Array (TVar (Maybe Int))). Philosopher #3 claims a piece by changing it
from Nothing to (Just 3). Now the silverware has a hope of being picked up in
Suggestion for killing snake #2: Change atomically $ eat to
do atomically $ (takeRight ... >> takeLeft ...)
-- print "Mmm... tasty snake" -- yield -- threadDelay
atomically $ (releaseRight ... >> releaseLeft ...)
Now when a diner gets the silverware she can only get both or "retry". Then
other diners can see the first atomically block committed and they will block
waiting for the silverware (only the TVars they need).
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