[Haskell-cafe] Questions on threads and IO
Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Wed Aug 16 12:27:15 EDT 2006
It looks like a stdout buffering issue, plus a 'yield' issue. forkIO does not
spawn OS level threads (that is forkOS) so adding a yield helps the runtime:
> import Control.Concurrent
> import System
> import System.IO
> loop = do
> putStr "> "
> z <- getLine
> runCommands z
> yield
> loop
> main = do
> hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
> loop
> genWords :: Char -> String -> [String]
> genWords c s = gwhelper c s [] []
> gwhelper :: Char -> String -> [String] -> String -> [String]
> gwhelper c [] acc temp = acc ++ [(reverse temp)]
> gwhelper c (x:xs) acc temp | x /= c = gwhelper c xs acc (x:temp)
> | otherwise = gwhelper c xs (acc++[(reverse temp)]) []
> runCommands s = mapM_ (forkIO . system_) (genWords '&' s)
> system_ :: String -> IO ()
> system_ [] = return ()
> system_ s = do
> system s
> return ()
Creighton Hogg wrote:
> Hello Haskell'rs,
> I've been playing with threads and I tried to do a toy example (that
> used java) from a class.
> When run, the program should print a prompt and accept commands just
> like a linux shell. It doesn't have to do anything
> fancy, just spawn new threads that make system calls when commands are
> entered at the prompt.
> The problem is that the UI doesn't work very well. It will seem fine at
> first, but in order to get back a prompt you have to hit enter one more
> time than you should. I've tried playing with the buffering settings
> but it seems to cause the same problem no matter what. The problem
> seems to be coming from calls of the form
> (forkIO . system_) "ls /usr/bin"
> Just entering this into ghci I get the same thing where I need to hit
> enter *again* in order to get back to the ghci prompt.
> I'm sure this is something silly on my part, but it is rather confusing.
> import Control.Concurrent
> import System
> import System.IO
> main = do
> putStr ">"
> z <- getLine
> runCommands z
> main
> genWords :: Char -> String -> [String]
> genWords c s = gwhelper c s [] []
> gwhelper :: Char -> String -> [String] -> String -> [String]
> gwhelper c [] acc temp = acc ++ [(reverse temp)]
> gwhelper c (x:xs) acc temp | x /= c = gwhelper c xs acc (x:temp)
> | otherwise = gwhelper c xs (acc++[(reverse
> temp)]) []
> runCommands s = mapM_ (forkIO .system_) (genWords '&' s)
> system_ :: String -> IO ()
> system_ s = do
> system s
> return ()
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