[Haskell-cafe] Can someone explain this typing restriction?

Tim Walkenhorst tim.walkenhorst at gmx.de
Mon Aug 14 08:17:05 EDT 2006

I've stumbled over the following (code *extremely* simplified):

f :: Bool
f = g 1

g :: Num a => a -> Bool
g _ = f

This results in the following error message (on GHC):

    Contexts differ in length
    When matching the contexts of the signatures for
      f :: Bool
      g :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> Bool
    The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be 

A similar problem is described in: 
darcs.haskell.org/haskore/docs/Tutorial.pdf on page 128.

My first question is:

1) Is there a name for this restriction: I can't clearly identify it as 
some case of Let-Bound Polymorphism or the monomorphism restriction. 

2) What exactly is the problem with it?

3) What's the best workaround?

I've first tried to add an abundance of explicit type-annotations like f 
= (g::Int->Bool) 1 to it, but it doesn't work.

Then, I found a solution, but it's awkward:

f :: Bool
f = g f 1

g :: Num a => Bool -> a -> Bool
g f _ = f

As you may have guessed, the actual code is a bit more complicated than 
this. Basically I interpret a symbol in a syntax-tree which can belong 
to different type-classes. When doing that, other more general symbols 
must be evaluated. An indirect recursion (potentially) occurs...

I hope this hasn't been done to death yet. If it has, please just answer 
question one so that I can read up on it...

Thank you,

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