[Haskell-cafe] ANN: TextRegexLazy-0.56, (=~) and (=~~) are here

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Wed Aug 2 07:33:05 EDT 2006


I just patched the efficiency of ByteStringPCRE to agree with the original 

darcs get --partial http://evenmere.org/~chrisk/trl/stable/
to get the fixed version.

A new 0.57 tarball will go to sourceforge soon.

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> Announcing: TextRegexLazy version 0.56
> Where: Tarball from http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazy-regex
>        darcs get --partial [--tag=0.56] 
> http://evenmere.org/~chrisk/trl/stable/
> License : BSD, except for DFAEngine.hs which is LGPL (derived from CTK 
> light)
> Development/unstable version is at:
>        darcs get [--partial] http://evenmere.org/~chrisk/trl/devel/
> This is the version that has eaten John Meacham's JRegex library and 
> survived to become strong.  Thanks John!
> It now compiles against the posix regexp provided by the c library and 
> the pcre library, in addition to the "full lazy" and the "DFA" backends.
> All 4 backends can accept regular expressions given as String and as 
> ByteString.
> All 4 backends can run regular expressions against String and ByteString.
> In particular, the PosixRE and PCRE can run very efficiently against 
> ByteString. (Though the input for the PosixRE needs to end in a \NUL 
> character for efficiency).
> So there are 4*2*2 = 16 ways to use to provide input to this library.  
> And the RegexContext class has at least 11 instances that both (=~) and 
> (=~~) can target.  So that is 4*2*2*11*2 = 352 things you can do with 
> this library!  Get your copy today!
> To run with cabal before 1.1.4 you will need to comment out the 
> "Extra-Source-Files:" line in the TextRegexLazy.cabal file.
> The Example.hs file:
>> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
>> import Text.Regex.Lazy
>> import Text.Regex.Full((=~),(=~~)) -- or DFA or PCRE or PosixRE
>> main = let b :: Bool
>>            b = ("abaca" =~ "(.)a")
>>            c :: [MatchArray]
>>            c = ("abaca" =~ "(.)a")
>>            d :: Maybe (String,String,String,[String])
>>            d = ("abaca" =~~ "(.)a")
>>        in do print b
>>              print c
>>              print d
> This produces:
>> True
>> [array (0,1) [(0,(1,2)),(1,(1,1))],array (0,1) [(0,(3,2)),(1,(3,1))]]
>> Just ("a","ba","ca",["b"])
> You can also use makeRegex and makeRegexOpts to compile and save a 
> regular expression which will be used multiple times.  Each of the 4 
> backends has a separate "Regex" data type with its own option types.
> For low level access, the WrapPCRE and WrapPosix modules expose a 
> typesafe layer around the c libraries.  You can query the "getVersion :: 
> Maybe String" to see if the have been compiled into the library.
> It may be possible to use WrapPCRE and the UTF8 option flags to do 
> unicode regex matching with PCRE. ( The Full and DFA backends use the 
> Haskell unicode Char already ).
> Adding new types to String/ByteString is a matter of adding instances to 
> the existing classes.
> Feedback and comments of any length is welcome.

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