[Haskell-cafe] Monad Imparative Usage Example
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Aug 2 07:13:54 EDT 2006
Am Mittwoch, 2. August 2006 11:56 schrieb Kaveh Shahbazian:
> Haskell is the most powerfull and interesting "thing" I'v ever
> encountered in IT world. But with an imparative background and lack of
> understanding (because of any thing include that maybe I am not that
> smart) has brought me problems. I know this is an old issue. But
> please help it.
> Question : Could anyone show me a sample of using a monad as a
> statefull variable?
> For example see this code in C# :
> //
> public class Test
> {
> int var;
> static void Fun1() { var = 0; Console.Write(var); }
> static void Fun2() { var = var + 4; Console.Write(var); }
> static void Main() { Fun1(); Fun2(); var = 10; Console.Write("var
> = " + var.ToString()); }
> }
> //
> I want to see this code in haskell.
> Thankyou
Well, I don't know C#, so maybe I misinterpreted Console.Write, but probably
not, so:
import Control.Monad.State
fun1 :: StateT Int IO ()
fun1 = do put 0
var <- get
lift $ print var
fun2 :: StateT Int IO ()
fun2 = do modify (+4)
var <- get
lift $ print var
mfun :: StateT Int IO ()
mfun = do fun1
put 10
var <- get
lift $ putStrLn $ "var = " ++ show var
main :: IO ()
main = evalStateT mfun 0
-- since the initial state isn't used, even undefined would do
Another possibility would be (using State Int (IO ()) instead of
StateT Int IO ()):
import Control.Monad.State
fun1 = put (0::Int) >> get >>= return . print
fun2 = modify (+4) >> get >>= return . print
fin = put 10 >> get >>= return . putStrLn . (++) "var = " . show
mfun = sequence [fun1, fun2, fin]
main = sequence_ $ evalState mfun 0
but I deem the first preferable.
Also take a look at monad tutorials, e.g. Jeff Newbern's All About Monads
(sorry, I forgot the URL).
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