[Haskell-cafe] Ambiguous types for collection keys

Robert Dockins robdockins at fastmail.fm
Wed Apr 12 17:24:23 EDT 2006

On Apr 12, 2006, at 4:09 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

>> Or carry an instance in along with a type parameter, using  
>> existentials or GADT.
>> Brandon Moore
> Do you know of an example that would apply to my situation?
> I think I neglected to state part of my problem. I am storing the  
> root nodes of btree indexes in a heterogeneous list using Typeable.  
> When they come out of the list they need to be unwrapped

> I think this will clarify my situation because I've been doing a  
> poor job of explaining:
> import Data.Dynamic
> data Foo a = FVal a
>              deriving (Show, Typeable)
> type FooStr = Foo String
> type FooInt = Foo Integer
> main = do
>   fooType <- getLine
>   fooVal  <- getLine
>   let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
>       fs    = [foo]
>       (f:_) = fs
>       Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
>   dostuff dynFoo
> dostuff :: (Show a) => Foo a -> IO ()
> dostuff (FVal x) = print x
> This fails with:
>  Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraints:
>       `Typeable a'
> 	arising from use of `fromDynamic' at /Users/weeksie/workspace/ 
> haskell/Main.hs:243:20-30
>       `Show a'
> 	arising from use of `dostuff' at /Users/weeksie/workspace/haskell/ 
> Main.hs:247:2-8
>     Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type  
> variable(s)
> However, changing main:
> main = do
>   fooType <- getLine
>   fooVal  <- getLine
>   let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
>       fs    = [foo]
>       (f:_) = fs
>       Just dynFoo = fromDynamic f
>   if fooType == "str"
>      then dostuff (dynFoo::FooStr)
>      else dostuff (dynFoo::FooInt)

You are trying to assign two distinct types to dynFoo; that's a no- 
no.  You need to move the usage of the polymorphic function out of  
the let so that the use at each distinct type doesn't get unified.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Data.Dynamic

data Foo a = FVal a
              deriving (Show, Typeable)

type FooStr = Foo String
type FooInt = Foo Integer

main = do
   fooType <- getLine
   fooVal  <- getLine
   let foo   = toDyn (FVal fooVal)
       fs    = [foo]
       (f:_) = fs
   if fooType == "str"
      then dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo String)
      else dostuff (fromDyn f undefined :: Foo Int)

dostuff :: (Show a) => Foo a -> IO ()
dostuff (FVal x) = print x

BTW, this little example always stuffs a string into the FVal, so  
trying to get anything else out will fail.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
           -- TMBG

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