[Haskell-cafe] "show" for functional types

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Sat Apr 1 09:05:52 EST 2006

>>> import AbsNum
>>> f x = x + 2
>>> g x = x + 1 + 1
>>> y :: T Double
>>> y = Var "y"
>>> main = do print (f y)
>>>           print (g y)
>> ...which results in...
>>   *Main> main
>>   (Var "y")+(Const (2.0))
>>   (Var "y")+(Const (1.0))+(Const (1.0))
>> ...is this competely unrelated?
> Interesting! Referential transparency (as I understand it) has indeed been 
> violated. Perhaps the interaction of GADTs and type classes was not 
> sufficiently studied before being introduced to the language.
> So I'm now just as puzzled as you.

the usual way to achieve this uses the overloading of Nums in Haskell:
when you write '1' or '1+2', the meaning of those expressions depends
on their types. in particular, the example above uses 'T Double', not 
just 'Double'.

recall the problem (simplified): mapping from values to representations
is not a function (unless we pick a unique representative for each class
of equivalent expressions). but there is nothing keeping us from going
the other way: from representations to values. the example above is
even simpler, as it only constructs representations.

what the overloading for representation trick usually does is to create
an instance of Num for representations of arithmetic expressions.when 
you write '1+2::Representation', that uses 'fromInteger' and '+' from 
the Num instance for the type 'Representation', and nothing prevents
us from defining that instance in such a way that we construct a 
representaton instead of doing any additions.


ps. that AbsNum module seems to do a lot more besides this, but 
    search for the Num instance. a simpler example module, just 
    pairing representations with values, can be found here:

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