[Haskell-cafe] Monadic vs "pure" style

Jacques Carette carette at mcmaster.ca
Thu Sep 1 10:55:43 EDT 2005

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

>Language.Haskell.TH.Lib is full of definitions like this:
>infixP p1 n p2 = do p1' <- p1
>                    p2' <- p2
>                    return (InfixP p1' n p2')
>btw, such definitions can be simplified by using liftM/ap operations:
>instance (Monad m, MyNum v) => MyNum (m v) where
>    (.+) = liftM2 (.+)
Such simplified forms then occur often enough that, in a scrapping 
boilerplate kind of way, I would really like to be able to write 
something like

instance (Monad m, MyNum v) => MyNum (m v) via lifting
lifted instance (Monad m, MyNum v) => MyNum (m v)
derived instance (Monad m, MyNum v) => MyNum (m v)

where all the operations from MyNum are obtained via applying the correct arity liftM function from the Monad class.


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