[Fwd: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Typeclasses and GADT [Was: Regular
Expressions without GADTs]]
kahl at cas.mcmaster.ca
kahl at cas.mcmaster.ca
Wed Oct 26 18:02:39 EDT 2005
> On 26 Oct 2005 10:11:25 -0400, kahl at cas.mcmaster.ca
> <kahl at cas.mcmaster.ca> wrote:
> > Tomasz Zielonka <tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com> wrote
> > Wed, 26 Oct 2005 13:37:29 +0200:
> > >
> > > Speaking about casts, I was playing with using GADTs to create a
> > > non-extensible version of Data.Typeable and Data.Dynamic.
> > > I wonder if it's possible to write such a thing without GADTs (and
> > > unsafeCoerce, which is used in Data.Dynamic, IIRC).
> >
> > It is possible to get even closer to Typeable by using
> > the same interface --- which is sufficient for some applications.
> Hmmm... but you use unsafeCoerce, don't you? ;-)
> I might have been unclear about it - I didn't want to use unsafeCoerce.
> With unsafeCoerce you can easily implement Typeable/Dynamic without
> GADTs, don't you?
The misunderstanding was entirely on my side:
I had not seen the previous discussion,
but only been forwarded your last message by Jacques.
Now I finally subscribed to haskell-cafe, too...
My concern was more with the interface than with the implementation.
I need ``TI'' (your ``Type'')
to make some other things possible that are not possible with Data.Typeable,
but also have a bunch of things that do work with Data.Typeable.
With -ddump-minimal-imports, I see that most of my files
import only (Typeable*(), gcast) from Data.Typeable ---
only a fraction actually use TypeRep or typeOf*.
My main point was that this common interface can be implemented
also with the GADT implementation of Typeable,
so there is no need to rewrite code based on that common interface.
A seondary point was the use of separate types at separate kinds,
corresponding to the separate Typeable* classes at separate kinds.
Since your Type and my TI are essentially the same,
your nice technique for the cast can of course be transferred ---
while your Wrapper* types have a custom flavour,
I use general type combinators that are useful also in other settings.
These are essentially just the standard combinatory logic combinators
(with some Haskell influence ;-):
newtype I x =I x
newtype K x y =K x
newtype S f g x =S (f x (g x))
newtype Flip f x y =Flip (f y x)
newtype B f g x =B (f (g x))
Unfortunately we do not have kind polymorphism,
so we have to define variants for all the kind combinations we need.
Naming these is a challenge --- I am still experimenting.
(attached module TypeCombinators)
The attached modules now don't use unsafeCoerce any more (thanks!),
but still include all the higher-kinded material.
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