[Haskell-cafe] puzzling memory leak? (GHC)
Young Hyun
youngh at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 10 01:46:15 EDT 2005
I'm seeing a very puzzling behavior that would be considered a memory
leak, or unwanted retention of objects, in other languages. If I've
made a newbie mistake, could someone point out what I am doing wrong?
The process size (resident size and not just virtual size) of my
program just grows and grows, passing a few hundred MB's in just 30
seconds, until I'm forced to kill the process. I get the same
problem with GHC 6.4 and 6.4.1 on Solaris 2.8 and MacOS X 10.4.2, and
GHC 6.2.2 on Solaris 2.8.
Here's what the program does. It reads a binary file containing a
large number of varying-length structured records. Some of these
records are corrupt (e.g., truncated), and it is the job of my
program to write out a new file with corrupted records filtered out.
I decided to take advantage of Haskell's lazy evaluation to separate
out the task of input parsing from the task of filtering as follows:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
main = do
contents <- getContents
fixArts $ parseArts contents [] (Map.singleton "offset" 0)
The invoked functions have the following signatures:
parseArts :: [Char] -> [Char] -> HeaderMap -> [Either ParseError Arts]
fixArts :: [Either ParseError Arts] -> IO ()
type HeaderMap = Map.Map String Word
data Arts = Arts { ar_version::Int, ar_flags::Word, ar_data_length::Int,
ar_timestamp::Word, ar_src_ip::Word,
ar_list_id::Word, ar_cycle_id::Word,
ar_rtt::Word, ar_rtt_mod::Word,
ar_hop_distance::Int, ar_dst_replied::Bool,
ar_halt_reason::Int, ar_halt_data::Int,
ar_hops::[ArtsHop], ar_offset::Int, ar_bytes::
[Char] }
data ArtsHop = ArtsHop { ar_hop_num::Int, ar_hop_addr::Word,
ar_irtt::Word, ar_num_tries::Int }
data ParseError = ParseError { pe_message::String, pe_offset::Int,
pe_bytes::[Char] }
Here's the body of fixArts:
fixArts ((Left x):xs) =
do hPutChar stderr '\n'
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Parse error: " ++ pe_message x
hPutHexDump stderr bytes offset
fixArts xs
where bytes = pe_bytes x
offset = pe_offset x
{-- XXX normally: do putStr (ar_bytes x); fixArts xs --}
fixArts ((Right x):xs) = fixArts xs
fixArts [] = return ()
The function hPutHexDump simply prints out a hex dump of a [Char]
(and commenting out the call makes no difference).
Unless I'm badly mistaken, nothing about fixArts suggests that it
would leak memory. So, it would appear parseArts is somehow to blame
for the memory leak, but this is where it gets weird. If I just
slightly change fixArts (see below), then I no longer get a memory
leak (the process size stays at just over 3MB):
fixArts ((Right x):xs) = do hPutArts stderr x
fixArts xs
The function
hPutArts :: Handle -> Arts -> IO ()
simply prints out the fields of the Arts object. So why should this
change fix the memory leak if parseArts is truly at fault?
The function parseArts has the following basic form (though the
actual implementation is much more involved):
parseArts (x:xs) ... = (createArts x) : parseArts xs
So, even without seeing all of the code, does anyone have any clues
about what may be wrong?
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