[Haskell-cafe] New to Monads

Cale Gibbard cgibbard at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 00:32:03 EDT 2005

That | m -> s reads "where m determines s", and means that there can
be at most one s (here, the state type) for a given m (the monad
type). This is used in type inference and checking to ensure that the
type of state being carried around by a monad in MonadState is well
defined, and to prevent you from having to annotate the operations in
MonadState with type signatures. (To tell which type s to use.)

Most monads have lots of ways out. IO is actually in my opinion, a
fairly uncharacteristic example of a monad. With IO, the only IO
operations given to you have IO occurring on the right hand side of
the function arrow. With most types, this isn't the case. One of the
best examples of a monad is the type constructor for lists, [].

There, return x = [x], and x >>= f = concat (map f x). Now, once you
have a value of type [a], there ought to be lots of ways to extract
values of type 'a' from it, so long as you know what to do with the
case that the list is empty (or can prove that it's not).

Check out my article on the Haskell wiki for what I think is a very
sensible way to look at monads (and the first way that I understood
them myself): http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/MonadsAsContainers

State computations of course, have evalState and execState, for
putting an initial value into the state parameter, and collecting the
resulting value, and the final state respectively. State computations
are really just pure functions s -> (a,s), wrapped up in a type
constructor, and with some special operations defined on them to chain
them together, modify the state, copy it as the value, etc.

In Haskell, every useful monad m basically has one of two things:
either there's an operation m a -> a, or there's an operation m a ->
IO a. This isn't entirely true, there might be other specific types
which one might be interested in projecting to, but there must be some
way to observe the resulting structure, or interpret it as a bunch of
actions to run. This is because if there isn't, basically all that one
can do is to stare at the resulting values in theoretical admiration
-- they won't actually influence the program in any meaningful way.

Anyway, have a look at my article and let me know what you think of it :)

 - Cale

On 06/10/05, Tom Hawkins <tom at confluent.org> wrote:
> I'm just starting to feel comfortable working inside IO; now I am trying
> to wrap my head around Control.Monad.State.  Looking at the
> implementation, I came across some unfamiliar syntax...
> class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where
> What is the meaning of "| m -> s"?  I found no mention of it in the
> tutorial.
> And slight logical dilemma...
> With IO, I understand one your in it, you can't get out.  I.e., any
> function that conducts IO must have IO _ in the type signature.
> But this must not apply to all monads, otherwise the type signature for
> "main" would be rather messy (IO + State + every other monad used in a
> program).  But I don't see how a monad could escape this fate since bind
> and return only produce more monads with the same type constructor.
> Thanks for your help!
> -Tom
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