[Haskell-cafe] questions on lazy pattern, StateT monad

Fan Wu wufan9418 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 15:37:01 EST 2005

> They are useful not only in conjunction with infinite data structures.  Take
> my example state transformer "everything" and modify it so that it calls next
> exactly two times, not infinitely many times, and outputs a pair of the
> outputs of the two next invocations.
> Now let's assume you use this pair in a context where only its first component
> is used.  Without lazy patterns, next would be invoked two times although it
> need to be invoked only one time.  So you might have unnecessary evaluation.
> And you might have something even worse.  Let's assume that when we apply the
> function making up next on the output state of the first next invocation then
> we get _|_.  Without lazy patterns, just using the output of the first next
> invocation would result in your program aborting.  Of course, it shouldn't do
> so.

This is a good example! But now I got the impression that pattern
match failure could happen in many places, so unless you want it to
fail loudly, you shall always use lazy pattern?


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