[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re[2]: Uses forkOS all CPUS on-board?

Shae Matijs Erisson shae at ScannedInAvian.com
Wed Nov 23 20:34:39 EST 2005

Bulat Ziganshin <bulatz at HotPOP.com> writes:

> >> They work, even in a context switching regime, but I can't
> >> exploit all the CPU's on my computer. Always is "active"
> >> just one thread
> this will not help. multi-processing support will be added in GHC 6.6,
> which must roll out due 6 months, as HCAR says

In the meantime, you can try it yourself by grabbing ghc 6.5 from cvs and
reading http://www.haskell.org/~simonmar/papers/multiproc.pdf
Shae Matijs Erisson - http://www.ScannedInAvian.com/ - Sockmonster once said:
You could switch out the unicycles for badgers, and the game would be the same.

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