[Haskell-cafe] How to use notFollowedBy function in Parsec

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Tue Nov 22 09:16:55 EST 2005

Am Dienstag, 22. November 2005 14:51 schrieben Sie:
> Am Montag, 21. November 2005 03:27 schrieb Sara Kenedy:
> May I suggest
> endBy anyToken semi ? -- optionally replace semi by "char ';'", if you

Oops, I confused endBy and manyTill !! Also below. 
And since maybe there isn't any semicolon, I'd say

manyTill anyToken (semi {- try semi, perhaps -} <|> eof)

> don't want to skip whitespace
> I think this is what you want --- stop at the first semicolon.
> If you want to ignore just a final semicolon, you might use
> endBy anyToken (optional semi >> eof),
> if you want to stop at the last semicolon, whatever comes thereafter, you
> have a problem, you'd need long lookahead.
 Cheers again,

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