[Haskell-cafe] Project postmortem

Cale Gibbard cgibbard at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 11:54:05 EST 2005

test.wagerlabs.com seems really slow for me right now. I've mirrored
the repo on my own machine (might not be 100% reliable, but should
stay up nearly all of the time). The mirror address is

 - Cale

On 18/11/05, Joel Reymont <joelr1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> This is not quite the error that I was expecting but they could be
> related, I'm not sure. In any case, you can retrieve the repro
> project thusly:
> darcs get http://test.wagerlabs.com/postmortem
> You need OpenSSL to build these so don't forget to add -lssl -lcrypto
> to either ghc or ghci.
> I would appreciate if we could all collectively look at this as
> things are either wierd or I'm missing something obvious. I will
> apply any patches sent to me.
> I run like this:
> ghci -fglasgow-exts -lssl -lcrypto
> :l Server
> main
> ghci -fglasgow-exts -lssl -lcrypto
> :l Client
> main
> I get in the server window:
> interactive: unknown exception
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 1: Accepted new connection: {handle: <socket: 5>}
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 1: Verify locations: 1
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 1: sslGetError: 2
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 4: Starting SSL handshake...
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 4: Reading from BIO...
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 4: Waiting for BIO 0x01108670
> 14:51:39: ThreadId 4: waitForBio: gotta wait a bit...
> If you look at SSL.hs you will see that I'm calling threadDelay right
> after this message. No other messages are produced. This tells me
> that threadDelay is throwing an exception.
> Why would it, though? And how can I tell what the exception is? If I
> comment out the threadDelay then I get the exception somewhere in the
> expect code after bytes are sent to the other side.
> Overall, my intent is to get this to work for 1 thread and then try,
> say, 5 or 10 thousand.
>         Thanks, Joel
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