[Haskell-cafe] ReaderT and concurrency
Thomas Jäger
thjaeger at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 01:03:18 EST 2005
There are basically two ways of doing that, namely monad transformers
and implicit parameters (we actually use both techniques in lambdabot).
Implicit parameters save you a lot of conversions or explicit passing of
variables because you only need one monad (the IO monad); however they
are ghc-specific, disliked by some (not by me, though!) and the order in
which they are type-checked is suboptimal, so be prepared for some scary
error messages. They also don't allow the implementation to be hidden
If you decide to use a monad transformer, the pattern you described
(using runReaderT) can be abstracted quite nicely:
-- the names are bad, I know...
class UnliftIO m where
-- what we actually want is m (forall a. m a -> IO a), but that's
-- impossible, so we are using cps instead.
unliftIO :: ((forall a. m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b
-- unliftIO is not subsumed by getUnlifterIO, afaics.
getUnlifterIO :: m (m a -> IO a)
getUnlifterIO = unliftIO return
instance UnliftIO (ReaderT r IO) where
unliftIO f = ReaderT $ \r -> f (`runReaderT` r)
Now printAndFork doesn't need to know anything about the internals of
the monad transformer anymore:
printAndFork :: String -> Integer -> MyReader ()
printAndFork _ 0 = return ()
printAndFork str n = do
unlift <- getUnlifter
mv <- ask
lift $ do
modifyMVar_ mv $ \i -> do
print $ str ++ show i
return (i + 1)
forkIO . unlift $ justPrint ("inner " ++ str)
printAndFork str (n - 1)
It might also be worthwhile to wrap the monad transformer into a newtype
newtype MyIO a
= MyIO (ReaderT (MVar ...) IO a)
deriving (Functor, Monad, MyReader, UnliftIO)
where MyReader is a type class that provides only the 'get' method of
the Reader class, so that the user cannot mess with the MVar. Or you
could hide the fact that you are using MVars and provide only functions
that manipulate the state (cf. the 'MS'-functions in
On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 11:51 -0500, Kurt Hutchinson wrote:
> I'm writing a program that will be using multiple threads to handle
> network activity on multiple ports in a responsive way. The treads
> will all need access to some shared data, so I'm using an MVar. So far
> so good. The problem is that passing the MVar around everywhere is
> kind of a pain, so I was hoping to use a ReaderT monad on top of the
> IO monad to handle that for me. I have that working, but one piece
> seemed a bit out of place so I wondered if there was a better way.
> Below is a small test program that presents my question.
> My program uses forkIO to create the separate threads (Set A), and
> some of *those* threads will need to create threads (Set B). In order
> for the ReaderT to handle the environment of the threads in Set B, do
> I have to perform another runReaderT when forking? Or is there a way
> to get the ReaderT environment automatically carried over to the newly
> created Set B thread? See the "NOTE" comment in the code below for the
> particular spot I'm asking about.
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