[Haskell-cafe] How to use a wiki to annotate GHC Docs? was Re: [Haskell] Re: Making Haskell more open

Scott Weeks weeksie at twelvestone.com
Wed Nov 16 14:40:30 EST 2005

>> Most if not all bots don't have JavaScript engines.
> But not all users use JavaScript.

I can certainly understand that some users don't have JavaScript but 
it's the vast minority. The choice is between usability. With captchas 
you can exclude the disabled and people with poor eyesight (as well as 
those who can't be bothered trying to figure out what it says).

Those that have JavaScript turned off are generally technically 
proficient because (in most cases) they've made the choice to turn it 
off. So the choice is still there to post as long as you provide good 
error messages.

So JavaScript is the least intrusive

Captchas are the most

In between would be a form field that asks a very simple question such 
as "what's this site about? Hint: it's Haskell"


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