[Haskell-cafe] Type classes and hFoldr from HList

Ralf Lammel Ralf.Lammel at microsoft.com
Mon Nov 7 00:11:01 EST 2005

Hi Greg,

Since hfoldr is right-associative, I prefer to reorder your list of
functions as follows:

> test = HCons (length::String -> Int) (HCons ((+1)::(Int->Int)) (HCons
((*2)::(Int->Int)) HNil))

Note that I also annotated length with its specific type.
(If you really wanted to leave things more polymorphic, you would need
to engage in TypeCast.)

Providing a specific Apply instance for (.) is not necessary, strictly
necessary. We could try to exploit the normal function instance for

Let me recall that one here for convenience:

>instance Apply (x -> y) x y
> where
>  apply f x = f x

Let me also recall the hFoldr instances:

>class HList l => HFoldr f v l r | f v l -> r
> where
>  hFoldr :: f -> v -> l -> r

>instance HFoldr f v HNil v
> where
>  hFoldr _ v _ = v

>instance ( HFoldr f v l r
>         , Apply f (e,r) r'
>         )
>      => HFoldr f v (HCons e l) r'
> where
>  hFoldr f v (HCons e l) = apply f (e,hFoldr f v l)

To fit in (.), we would flip and uncurry it.
So we could try:

comp' = hFoldr (uncurry (flip (.))) (id::Int -> Int) test

This wouldn't work.
The trouble is the required polymorphism of the first argument of
The type of that argument as such is polymorphic.
However, this polymorphism does not survive type class parameterization.
You see this by looking at the HCons instance of HFoldr.
The different occurrences of "f" would need to be used at different
This would only work if the type class parameter f were instantiated by
the polymorphic type of (uncurry (flip (.))). (And even then we may need
something like TypeCast.)

What you can do is define a dedicated *type code* for composition.

comp  = hFoldr (undefined::Comp) (id::Int -> Int) test

data Comp

instance Apply Comp (x -> y,y -> z) (x -> z)
  apply _ (f,g) = g . f


> -----Original Message-----
> From: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org [mailto:haskell-cafe-
> bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Greg Buchholz
> Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 7:01 PM
> To: haskell-cafe at haskell.org
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Type classes and hFoldr from HList
>   I was playing around with the HList library from the paper...
>     Strongly typed heterogeneous collections
>     http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/HList/
> ...and I thought I'd try to fold the composition function (.) through
> heterogeneous list of functions, using hFoldr...
> >{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> >{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
> >
> >import CommonMain
> >
> >main = print $ comp "abc"
> >
> >test = HCons ((+1)::(Int->Int)) (HCons ((*2)::(Int->Int)) (HCons
> HNil))
> >
> >comp = hFoldr (.) id test
> >
> >instance Apply (a -> b -> c -> d) (a, b) (c -> d)
> >    where
> >        apply f (a,b) = f a b
> ...but it fails with the following type error...
> ]Compiling Main             ( compose.hs, interpreted )
> ]
> ]compose.hs:10:7:
> ]    No instances for (Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
> ]                            (Int -> Int, r)
> ]                            ([Char] -> a3),
> ]                      Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c) (Int ->
> r1) r,
> ]                      Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c) ([a2] ->
> Int, a1 ->a1) r1)
> ]      arising from use of `hFoldr' at compose.hs:10:7-12
> ]    Probable fix:
> ]      add an instance declaration for (Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) ->
a -
> > c)
> ]                                             (Int -> Int, r)
> ]                                             ([Char] -> a3),
> ]                                       Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) ->
a -
> > c)
> ](Int -> Int, r1) r,
> ]                                       Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) ->
a -
> > c)
> ]([a2] -> Int, a1 -> a1) r1)
> ]    In the definition of `comp': comp = hFoldr (.) id test
> ...Anyway, I couldn't quite tell whether I was using hFoldr
> or if I needed to have more constraints placed on the construction of
> "test", or if needed some sort of type-level function that resolves...
> Apply ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
> ...into (a -> c), or something else altogether.  I figured someone
> be able to help point me in the right direction.

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