[Haskell-cafe] Re: FPS: Finalizers not running (was Memory usage
outside of the Haskell heap)
Donald Bruce Stewart
dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Nov 6 20:42:18 EST 2005
> David,
> I followed your suggestion and I think the finalizers for FPS are not
> running.
Here are some experiments. Sometimes I can get the finalizers to run as
expected, but only when putting memory pressure on the Haskell heap with
normal haskell values. Works with 6.4.1 and 6.5 on OpenBSD or Linux.
So here we generate a bunch of lists inside Haskell, then pack them. Our
finalisers get run nicely as expected:
import qualified Data.FastPackedString as P
import Foreign.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
data_ = [ replicate 5000 i | i <- [1..100] ] :: [[Word8]]
main = do
foo data_
putStrLn ""
foo [] = return ()
foo (x:xs) = do
let fps = P.packWords x
installFinalizer fps
putStr "."
foo xs
installFinalizer fps@(P.PS fp _ _) =
addForeignPtrFinalizer fp $ putStr (show.ord.P.head $ fps)
pill00$ ./a.out
Now, if we instead allocate only outside the Haskell heap (with an mmap packed
string), then we see something different:
import qualified Data.FastPackedString as P
import Foreign.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
main = do
foo 100
putStrLn ""
foo 0 = return ()
foo n = do
fps <- P.mmapFile "/home/dons/tmp/tests/128k"
installFinalizer fps
putStr "."
foo (n-1)
installFinalizer fps@(P.PS fp _ _) =
addForeignPtrFinalizer fp $ putStr (show.ord.P.head $ fps)
No finalisers (even though more data is allocated)!
$ ./a.out
The GHC rts doesn't know how big the packed string is. It just sees the few
bytes of the packed string (as dcoutts pointed out on irc).
Strangely, the same effect is seen with P.readFile, which (from darcs) allocates as so:
mallocForeignPtr :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr Word8)
mallocForeignPtr l = when (l > 1000000) performGC >> mallocForeignPtrArray l
where here mallocForeignPtrArray ends up calling GHC.Prim.newPinnedByteArray#
(i.e. on the Haskell heap). Hmm. I don't understand that then, as the memory is
in the Haskell heap, yet still no finalisers are run.
If we do something expensive with the packed string, then finalizers get run:
foo n = do
fps <- P.readFile "/home/dons/tmp/tests/128k"
installFinalizer fps
-- unpack the string into a normal Haskell list:
forkIO (Control.Exception.evaluate ((length . P.unpack) fps) >> return ())
putStr "."
foo (n-1)
Also interestingly, calling unsafeFinalize didn't help.
Simon, any thoughts on this? Is there some way we can ensure memory
outside the Haskell heap gets counted for its full weight? Also, why
don't we see any finalizers run with the pinned arrays?
-- Don
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