[Haskell-cafe] Re[4]: [Haskell] Dynamic binding

Bulat Ziganshin bulatz at HotPOP.com
Thu Jun 23 07:55:08 EDT 2005

Hello Ralf,

Thursday, June 23, 2005, 11:36:20 AM, you wrote:

>> just create list of draw functions itself:
>> [drawCircle (10,10) 5, drawSquare (20,20) 10]

RL> No! the exercise is about lists of shapes
RL> not lists of results of drawing shapes.
RL> This is clearly a major difference.

in cases where you need to call only one function on created objects,
you can just insert in list calls to this functions (not their results! i suppose
that drawXXX functions has "... -> IO ()" type)

in cases where you need to call several functions for this object, you
can insert in list tuple or structure for each object, as i do in next
example. original exercise was about OO way to solve some problem. i want
to say that in Haskell it's better in most cases to use another,
functional way

RL> Bulat wrote:

>> for more complex tasks - declare interface as a structure:
>> data ShapeInterface = Shape { draw :: IO (),
>>                               moveTo :: Point -> IO (),
>>                               calcArea :: Float
>>                             }

RL> No! You miss the point that the different shapes
RL> differ regarding state types.
RL> You don't have a chance when you use one datatype.

this state is just don't need to appear in interface definition :)

see for example:

data ShapeInterface = Shape { draw :: IO (),
                              calcArea :: Float

circle x y r = Shape { draw = drawCircle x y r,
                       calcArea = pi*r*r

square x y size = Shape { draw = drawSquare x y size,
                          calcArea = size*szie

figures = [circle 1 2 3, square 4 5 6, circle 7 8 9]

if you need to maintain mutable state, this is also not a problem:

data ShapeInterface = Shape { draw :: IO (),
                              moveTo :: (Int,Int) -> IO (),
                              calcArea :: Float
circle x y r = do
  center <- ref (x,y)
  return Shape { draw     = val center >>= drawCircle r
               , moveTo   = (center=:)
               , calcArea = pi*r*r
main = do
  figures <- sequence [circle 1 2 3, square 4 5 6, circle 7 8 9]
  mapM_ draw figures
  mapM_ (moveTo (0,0)) figures
  mapM_ draw figures


RL> haskell-cafe?

as you wish :)

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:bulatz at HotPOP.com

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