[Haskell-cafe] Generic types
robert dockins
robdockins at fastmail.fm
Mon Jun 13 16:11:08 EDT 2005
> I'm writing a small unit library to excercise my barely existing
> Haskell skills.
> However I can't figure out how to make Haskell accept any type
> of a specific class.
What you want is a technique called "existential types". The wiki page
is here: http://haskell.org/hawiki/ExistentialTypes
The problem with existentials is that they are pretty picky about how
you use them; I'm pretty sure you can't create a labeled record
containing existentials (because the accessor functions aren't allowed
to exist). You have to pattern match to get at the encapsulated value.
Also, once you have done the pattern match on the "UnitValue," you can
only use polymorphic functions on the pattern variables.
The following does what I think you want.
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
class Unit u where
shortName :: u -> String
data Meter = Meter
instance Unit Meter where
shortName u = "m"
data UnitValue = forall u n. (Unit u,Num n) => UnitValue u n
main = let x = UnitValue Meter 10
in case x of
UnitValue unit magnitude -> putStrLn $ (show
magnitude)++(shortName unit)
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