[Haskell-cafe] Error with Float

Dinh Tien Tuan Anh tuananhbirm at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 19 11:12:07 EDT 2005

Here's what i got

writeln x = putStr (x++ "\n")

f:: Double -> IO Double
f x = do
        let t = 2*x
        if (t<1)
	then return t
	else return (t-1)

gen :: Double -> IO()
gen x = do c<-f x
	   writeln ("Value  is: " ++ show c)
	   if (c /= 0.0)
	   	then  gen c
		else  return ()

Main> gen 0.1
Value  is: 0.2
Value  is: 0.4
Value  is: 0.8
Value  is: 0.6
Value  is: 0.2
Value  is: 0.4
Value  is: 0.800000000000001
Value  is: 0.600000000000001
Value  is: 0.200000000000003
Value  is: 0.400000000000006
Value  is: 0.800000000000011
Value  is: 0.600000000000023
Value  is: 0.200000000000045
Value  is: 0.400000000000091
Value  is: 0.800000000000182
Value  is: 0.600000000000364
Value  is: 0.200000000000728
Value  is: 0.400000000001455
Value  is: 0.80000000000291
Value  is: 0.600000000005821
Value  is: 0.200000000011642
Value  is: 0.400000000023283
Value  is: 0.800000000046566
Value  is: 0.600000000093132
Value  is: 0.200000000186265
Value  is: 0.400000000372529
Value  is: 0.800000000745058
Value  is: 0.600000001490116
Value  is: 0.200000002980232
Value  is: 0.400000005960464
Value  is: 0.800000011920929
Value  is: 0.600000023841858
Value  is: 0.200000047683716
Value  is: 0.400000095367432
Value  is: 0.800000190734863
Value  is: 0.600000381469727
Value  is: 0.200000762939453
Value  is: 0.400001525878906
Value  is: 0.800003051757813
Value  is: 0.600006103515625
Value  is: 0.20001220703125
Value  is: 0.4000244140625
Value  is: 0.800048828125
Value  is: 0.60009765625
Value  is: 0.2001953125
Value  is: 0.400390625
Value  is: 0.80078125
Value  is: 0.6015625
Value  is: 0.203125
Value  is: 0.40625
Value  is: 0.8125
Value  is: 0.625
Value  is: 0.25
Value  is: 0.5
Value  is: 0.0

>From: Cale Gibbard <cgibbard at gmail.com>
>Reply-To: Cale Gibbard <cgibbard at gmail.com>
>To: Dinh Tien Tuan Anh <tuananhbirm at hotmail.com>
>CC: haskell-cafe at haskell.org
>Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Error with Float
>Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:00:34 -0400
>Perhaps you mean:
>f x
>     | x < 1     = 0 : f (2*x)
>     | otherwise = 1 : f (2*(x-1))
>Note that in the second case, the 1 is subtracted before multiplication by 
>If you were referring to the problem that this eventually gives
>constantly 0 for values like 0.6, try importing the Ratio module and
>applying it to 6%10, which is the exact rational value rather than a
>floating point representation.
>  - Cale

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