[Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

Alberto Ruiz aruiz at um.es
Thu Jul 7 14:37:29 EDT 2005

Hello! Thank you very much for all your suggestions. A new version of the 
library can be found at:

Here are the main changes:

- Vector and Matrix are now different types with different functions operating 
on them. They cannot be interchanged and we must use explicit conversion 
functions. Things like (v::Vector) + (m::Matrix), or svd (v::Vector) are 
statically rejected. You must use functions like matrix_x_matrix, 
matrix_x_vector, dot :: Vector->Vector->Double, etc. On the other hand, there 
are functions to build a matrix from a list of vectors, to concatenate the 
columns of a matrix as a vector, etc. If I am not mistaken, now the 
ambiguities explained by Henning do not occur. 

- Only Eq, Show, and Read instances are now defined for Vector and Matrix. No 
numeric instances are defined, although it is very easy to do it using the 
functions provided. I have included a tentative "Interface" module including 
some hopefully user friendly operators. But it can be replaced or deleted 
without any problem... :)

If this approach makes sense, we can proceed to include more standard linear 
algebra functions based on GSL, LAPACK, or on any other available resource. 
We can use a darcs repository to allow contributions from all interested 

And a few comments:

David Roundy wrote:
>It would be wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as 
>matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

>(where n, m and o are dimensions) but we can't do that.  So we're stuck
>with dynamic size checking for all matrix and vector operations that
>involve two or more operands.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>Actually, Haskell does allow you to do that.  But the syntax of the
>types gets pretty horrendous.

We must also "add" types. To build a matrix from blocks we need something 

matrix_block_row :: Matrix n m -> Matrix n o -> Matrix n (o+m)

I understand from some papers and messages to the list that it can be done, 
but then we may also want lists of matrices with different dimensions:

matrix_block :: [[Matrix ? ?]] -> Matrix

The compile-time consistency check is not trivial. 

On the other hand, many useful functions have a type which depends on a value:

vector :: [Double] -> Vector n 

We should statically reject this:

vector [1,2,3] `vector_add` vector [1,2]

(or perhaps we can imitate the zip behavior? :)

The sizes of some vectors and matrices depend on run time computations, even 
without taking into account IO:

nullspace :: Matrix m n -> Matrix k n

k depends on the particular matrix. We can improve this to:

nullspace :: Matrix m n -> [Vector n]

but if we need the nullspace in another matrix operation we must build a 
matrix from a list whose size is not known at compile time...

Static size checking is an advanced topic!


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