[Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sat Jan 22 11:42:34 EST 2005
Am Samstag, 22. Januar 2005 10:09 schrieb Ashley Yakeley:
> In article <41F211FB.3030706 at imperial.ac.uk>,
> Keean Schupke <k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> > This fits the above description, but I don't see how the following can
> > be true:
> >
> > (mplus a b) >>= c = mplus (a >>= c) (b >>= c)
> Try it (and my test code) with [], which is an instance of MonadPlus.
> mplus is defined as (++) for [].
Well, mathematically, a MonadPlus m is a functor into the category of monoids.
With the appropriate options, we can write
instance Monad m => Functor m where
fmap = liftM
-- so we see that any Monad is a functor (if >>= is properly defined) --
instance MonadPlus m => Monoid (m a) where
mempty = mzero
mappend = mplus
and feed that into ghc or hugs. Only the monoid Maybe a is not very nice (nor
is the monoid IO a),since the second argument of the composition is in
general ignored. Actually we can make every nonempty set a monoid in this
way, choose an element x1 and define the composition (#) by
x1 # x = x,
y # z = y, if y /= x1.
Now the second argument to (>>=) is an arbitrary function into some monoid and
there is no reason why (>>= c) should be a morphism in the category of
monoids -- for the trivial monoids just defined, it would naturally be simply
c itself. It is a nice feature of lists that (>>= c) is a homomorphism there,
but that is only so because (>>=) is appropriately defined.
However, (>> k) is, if I see it correctly, a monoid-homomorphism in all these
cases -- though somewhat boring.
So I think, rather than separating mplus, one should think about whether it is
sensible to make Maybe and IO instances of MonadPlus in the first place.
I don't know nearly enough of the innards of Haskell to form a valuable
opinion of that, but perhaps somebody could enlighten me?
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