[Haskell-cafe] Problems with compiling wxFruit

Dmitri Pissarenko mailing-lists at dapissarenko.com
Thu Jan 20 09:50:29 EST 2005


I'm trying to compile wxFruit sample program paddleball

When I try to compile file paddle.hs (see below where it is availeble) using
the call

ghc -fglasgow-exts -farrows -package wx -iC:\dapWork\haskell-learning\afrp-0.4
\src:C:\dapWork\haskell-learning paddle.hs

I'm getting the error message

    Failed to load interface for `WXFruit':
        Could not find interface file for `WXFruit'
        (use -v to see a list of the files searched for)

    Failed to load interface for `AFRP':
        Could not find interface file for `AFRP'
        (use -v to see a list of the files searched for)

    Failed to load interface for `AFRPUtilities':
        Could not find interface file for `AFRPUtilities'
        (use -v to see a list of the files searched for)

The file WXFruit.hs is located in the same directory as paddle.hs. AFRP.hs and
AFRPUtilities.hs are located in the directory C:\dapWork\haskell-learning\afrp-

Apparently, those packages are not installed properly.

What should I do in order to compile paddle.hs?

Thanks in advance

PS: All files related to this example (paddle.hs and wxFruit.hs) are available


in a 7 MB zip archive.
Dmitri Pissarenko
Software Engineer

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