[Haskell-cafe] I/O interface

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jan 19 11:42:51 EST 2005

Have you read the OOHaskell paper?


This shows how to encode many OO idioms in Haskell, without any extensions
(beyond those that GHC already supports)... Here's some sample code
(from the Shapes.hs example) to give you a flavor of it:

A constructor function:

    rectangle x y width height self
      = do
          super <- shape x y self
          w <- newIORef width
          h <- newIORef height
          returnIO $
               getWidth  .=. readIORef w
           .*. getHeight .=. readIORef h
           .*. setWidth  .=. (\neww -> writeIORef w neww)
           .*. setHeight .=. (\newh -> writeIORef h newh)
           .*. draw      .=.
                  putStr  "Drawing a Rectangle at:(" <<
                          self # getX << ls "," << self # getY <<
                          ls "), width " << self # getWidth <<
                          ls ", height " << self # getHeight <<
                          ls "\n"
           .*. super

And an example of some objects in use:

    myShapesOOP =
           -- set up array of shapes
           s1 <- mfix (rectangle (10::Int) (20::Int) 5 6)
           s2 <- mfix (circle (15::Int) 25 8)
           let scribble :: [Shape Int]
               scribble = [narrow s1, narrow s2]

           -- iterate through the array
           -- and handle shapes polymorphically
           mapM_ (\shape -> do
                               shape # draw
                               (shape # rMoveTo) 100 100
                               shape # draw)

           -- call a rectangle specific function
           arec <- mfix (rectangle (0::Int) (0::Int) 15 15)
           arec # setWidth $ 30
           arec # draw


Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

> Haskell provides only:
>- algebraic types (must specify all "subtypes" in one place),
>- classes (requires foralls which limits applicability:
>  no heterogeneous lists, I guess no implicit parameters),
>- classes wrapped in existentials, or records of functions
>  (these two approaches don't support controlled downcasting,
>  i.e. "if this is a regular file, do something, otherwise do
>  something else").

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