[Haskell-cafe] tree with labeled edges as a monad
Ross Paterson
ross at soi.city.ac.uk
Wed Jan 19 06:32:13 EST 2005
On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 01:40:06AM -0800, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> This is a "have you seen this monad?" post. I was trying to construct a
> search tree, and decided I wanted to do it in a monad (so I could apply
> StateT and keep state as I explored the space). I discovered that a
> tree with labeled leaves is a monad, but I wanted to label internal
> nodes, and such a tree (eg, Data.Tree.Tree) is not a monad (because it
> can only have one result type). Finally, I realized I could get a
> similar effect by labeling the edges and the leaves with different
> types:
> data Tree l a = Leaf a | Branch [(l, Tree l a)]
> instance Monad (Tree l) where
> return = Leaf
> Leaf a >>= f = f a
> Branch c >>= f = Branch [(l, t >>= f) | (l, t) <- c]
> You might use it as
> turn = do
> board <- getBoard
> move <- lift (Branch [(move, return move) | move <- findMoves board])
> applyMove move
> turn
> I found this quite pleasing, though I hadn't run across trees as monads
> before. Has anyone else found this useful? Is it in a library
> somewhere?
More generally:
data Resumptions f a = Val a | Resume (f (Resumptions f a))
instance Functor f => Monad (Resumptions f) where
return = Val
Leaf a >>= f = f a
Resume t >>= f = Resume (fmap (>>= f) t)
An example is a model of the IO monad, with f instantiated to
data SysCall a
= GetChar (Char -> a)
| PutChar Char a
| ...
This monad in turn is a special case of the monad transformer
newtype GR f m a = GR (m (Either a (f (GR f m a))))
unGR (GR x) = x
instance (Functor f, Monad m) => Monad (GR f m) where
return = GR . return . Left
GR r >>= f = GR (r >>= either (unGR . f)
(return . Right . fmap (>>= f)))
which Moggi calls generalized resumptions in "A syntactic approach
to modularity in denotational semantics", section 2.3. This paper is
available on
(It has some nice general monads, but is mostly impenetrable.)
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