[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugs vs GHC (again)was: Re: Somerandomnewbiequestions

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jan 17 08:56:27 EST 2005

can't GHC do this using the threaded RTS?


> John Meacham wrote:
> >Actually, If I were writing new haskell libraries, I would use mmap
> >whenever I could for accessing files. not only does it make the file
> >pointer problem go away, but it can be drastically more efficient.
> I'm not sure this is a good idea, because GHC really needs 
> non-blocking I/O to support its thread model, and memory-mapped I/O 
> always blocks. In fact this is a problem even if we only memory-map 
> files at the programmer's request.

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