[Haskell-cafe] Problem with wxHaskell

Atwood, John Wesley john.atwood at hp.com
Fri Jan 14 16:32:11 EST 2005

> Jinwoo Lee <jinwoo68 at gmail.com>
> You can remove that error message by including following in 
> package.conf file.
> Package
>    {name = "readline",
>     auto = True,
>     import_dirs = ["$libdir/imports"],
>     source_dirs = [],
>     library_dirs = ["$libdir"],
>     hs_libraries = ["HSreadline"],
>     extra_libraries = ["readline", "advapi32"],
>     include_dirs = [],
>     c_includes = ["HsReadline.h"],
>     package_deps = ["base"],
>     extra_ghc_opts = [],
>     extra_cc_opts = [],
>     extra_ld_opts = [],
>     framework_dirs = [],
>     extra_frameworks = []},
> Jinwoo Lee
> Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.
> jinwoo68 at gmail.com

You'll still run into the problem:
    Failed to load interface for `Graphics.UI.WXCore.Dialogs':
        Bad interface file: C:\Program
            mismatched interface file versions: expected 6022, found

The right fix would be to recompile wxHaskell from source, but since I
have cygwin installed on a handy machine, I tried editing the .hi files,
jamming in the 6022 version number. That worked, at least for the
I tried. I used the old DOS command, debug (I thought TextPad would
binary files, but it didn't). the 1 byte change is at offset 1b (or 11b
in debug).


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