[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hugs vs GHC (again) was: Re: Some randomnewbiequestions

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at ii.uib.no
Tue Jan 11 03:44:03 EST 2005

"Simon Marlow" <simonmar at microsoft.com> writes:

>> For unix, there are couple different tacks one could take.  The locale
>> system is standard, and does work, but is ugly and a pain to work
>> with. In particular, it's another (set of) global variables.  And
>> what do you do with a character not expressible in the current locale?
>> I'd like to possibility of different character sets for different
>> files, for example.

> Not a problem.  Have you looked at the streams proposal?

I don't suppose this will make (stream)getContents any more efficient,
beyond reducing the data size from Char to Word8?  (So I still need to
use explicit buffering (as described by Peter Simons, IIRC) to get
fast IO?) 

And one small comment: is it still considered good form to prefix
functions with argument type (instead of using modules -
i.e. streamGetContents and fileGetContents as opposed to
Stream.getContents and File.getContents).

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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