[Haskell-cafe] Re: The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages

Ivan Boldyrev boldyrev+nospam at cgitftp.uiggm.nsc.ru
Sat Jan 8 13:55:41 EST 2005

On 8983 day of my life Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> I'm happy to announce that my out-of-print 1987 book,
> 	The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages
> is now available online at
> http://research.microsoft.com/%7Esimonpj/papers/slpj-book-1987/index.htm
> Very many thanks to Marnie Montgomery, who did all the work.
> Happy reading

That's wonderful!!!

But I must admit that JPEG format is worst format for such
publication.  First, is blures images, that is OK for photos but
very bad for texts.  Second, it is not most compact format for
black-and-white images.

I tried to convert
into different formats:

  71626 Янв  9 00:35 IV.JPG    -- original
  10135 Янв  9 00:41 IV.png
   5880 Янв  9 00:40 IV.djvu

DjVu format is 12 times more compact, and PNG is 7 more compact!!!

I would be glad to help you with converting files and explaining their
advantages and disadvantages; feel free to contact me with e-mail.
Note, however, that JPG images are not proper for conversion source
because they are corrupted :(

Ivan Boldyrev

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