[Haskell-cafe] module Crypt_Discordian - code critique requested
Terrence Brannon
bauhaus at metaperl.com
Tue Feb 22 19:27:19 EST 2005
Hi, I am getting into Haskell so I decided to convert a Perl module of
into Haskell. I was pleased at the cleanliness and conciseness of the
Haskell code. However, I am sure that it can be improved on and am
soliciting any feedback you may have about this module.
metaperl on #haskell
module Crypt_Discordian
import List
vowel_list = "aeiouAEIOU"
is_vowel c = c `elem` vowel_list
move_vowels lis = move_vowels' lis [] []
move_vowels' [] c v = v ++ c
move_vowels' (x:xs) c v
| is_vowel x = move_vowels' xs c (x:v)
| otherwise = move_vowels' xs (x:c) v
remove_spaces str = filter (\x -> x /= ' ') str
encrypt str = List.sort $ move_vowels $ remove_spaces str
The algorithm for Discordian text encryption is given at:
After implementing this, I realized that all the early steps are a farce.
But anyway, here is the algorithm in case you don't enjoy tilting your
head to read a page:
Step 1. Write out message (HAIL ERIS) and put all vowels at the end
Step 2. Reverse order (IEIASRLH)
Step 3. Convert to numbers (9-5-9-1-19-18-12-8)
Step 4. Put into numerical order (1-5-8-9-9-12-18-19)
Step 5. Convert back to letter (AEHIILRS)
This cryptographic cypher code is GUARANTEED TO BE 100% UNBREAKABLE
.. so says the Principia Discordia. But I think we can generate and
test to break it.
Many thanks to kosmikus and Pseudonym for their help in developing
this module
Carter's Compass: I know I'm on the right track when,
by deleting something, I'm adding functionality.
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