[Haskell-cafe] Re: new Haskell hacker seeking peer review

Bjorn Bringert d00bring at dtek.chalmers.se
Tue Feb 22 17:19:46 EST 2005

Isaac Jones wrote:
> John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> writes:
>>Here's an alternative:
>>module Main where
> (snip john's version)
> And what list would be complete without a points-free version.  It
> doesn't operate on stdin, though like John's does:
> pointsFreeCat :: IO ()
> pointsFreeCat = getArgs >>= mapM readFile >>= putStrLn . concat

Or why not the two characters shorter, but much less readable:

pointsFreeCat' = getArgs >>= mapM_ ((>>= putStr) . readFile)

or maybe:

pointsFreeCat'' = getArgs >>= mapM_ (putStr >>. readFile)

(>>.) :: (b -> IO c) -> (a -> IO b) -> a -> IO c
(>>.) = (.) . flip (>>=)

Is (>>.) in the standard libs? If not, should it be? I'm sure there is a 
shorter definition of (>>.) that I haven't thought of.


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