[Haskell-cafe] new Haskell hacker seeking peer review
Jules Bean
jules at jellybean.co.uk
Fri Feb 18 07:41:29 EST 2005
Hi Sean,
I'm not expert, but since you asked for idiomatic comments, here are a
On 18 Feb 2005, at 09:58, Sean Perry wrote:
> Also, while talking about untilEOF, it is slightly
> annoying that hIsEOF returns IO Bool and that functions like 'not' only
> want Bool. Sure makes the logic tests feel like more work than they
> should be.
`Annoying' in some sense, but it could hardly be any other way. You can
always lift 'not' into the IO monad, as in (liftM not).hIsEOF
> untilEOF :: Handle -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
> untilEOF hdl f = do eof <- hIsEOF hdl
> if eof then return ()
> else do f hdl
> untilEOF hdl f
This idiom with if .. then return () else ... is the 'unless' idiom
from Control.Monad:
untilEOF hdl f = do eof <- hIsEOF hdl
unless eof $ do f hdl
untilEOF hdl f
there is also 'when' for the opposite. Here is an example just to
demonstrate how to lift 'not' should you ever want to:
untilEOF' hdl f = do eof <- (liftM not)(hIsEOF hdl)
when eof $ do f hdl
untilEOF' hdl f
> cat :: Handle -> IO ()
> cat hdl = do line <- hGetLine hdl
> putStrLn line
arguably more idiomatic is:
cat hdl = hGetLine hdl >>= putStrLn
> main :: IO ()
> main = do args <- getArgs
> if (length args) > 0 then mapM_ catFile args
> else untilEOF stdin cat
if (not null args)
is preferred to
if (length args) > 0
as a general principle (it's faster for long lists).
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