[Haskell-cafe] Point-free style

Conor McBride ctm at cs.nott.ac.uk
Mon Feb 14 12:57:35 EST 2005

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> Daniel Fischer wrote:
>> And could one define
>> \f g h x y -> f (g x) (h y)
>> point-free?
> Any definition can be made point free if you have a
> complete combinator base at your disposal, e.g., S and K.
> Haskell has K (called const), but lacks S.  S could be
> defined as
>   spread f g x = f x (g x)

Given (you guessed it)

   class Idiom i where
     ii :: x -> i x
     (<%>) :: i (s -> t) -> i s -> i t

I tend to write

   instance Idiom ((->) r) where
     ii = const
     (<%>) rst rs r = rst r (rs r)


   instance Idiom ((->) r) where
     ii = return
     (<%>) = ap

The idiom bracket notation (implemented by ghastly hack) gives

   iI f is1 ... isn Ii
     =  ii f <%> is1 <%> .. <%> isn
     :: i t
     when f :: s1 -> .. -> sn -> t
          is1 :: i s1
          isn :: i sn

The point is to turn higher-order/effectful things into first-order
applicative things, so

   eval :: Expr -> [Int] -> Int
   eval (Var j) = (!! j)
   eval (Add e1 e2) = iI (+) (eval e1) (eval e2) Ii
   -- and so on

The above is a bit pointwise, a bit point-free: the components of
the expression get named explicitly, the plumbing of the environment
is hidden. I get the plumbing for free from the structure of the
computations, which I really think of as first-order things in the
environment idiom, rather than higher-order things in the identity

Thomas Jäger wrote:
 > Yes, me too. I think obscure point-free style should only be used if a
 > type signature makes it obvious what is going on. Occasionally, the
 > obscure style is useful, though, if it is clear there is exactly one
 > function with a specific type, but tiresome to work out the details
 > using lambda expressions. For example to define a map function for the
 > continuation monad
 >>cmap :: (a -> b) -> Cont r a -> Cont r b

Correspondingly, if I were developing the continuation monad, I'd
probably write the monad instance itself in quite a pointy way, with
suggestive (not to say frivolous) identifiers

   data Cont a x = Cont {runCont :: (x -> a) -> a}

   instance Monad (Cont a) where
     return x = Cont $ \ uputX -> uputX x
     ugetS >>= ugetTfromS = Cont $ \ uputT ->
       runCont ugetS          $ \ s ->
       runCont (ugetTfromS s) $ \ t ->
       uputT t

And then I already have the map operator, liftM. But more generally,
if I wanted to avoid ghastly plumbing or overly imperative-looking
code, I'd perform my usual sidestep

   instance Idiom (Cont a) where
     ii = return
     (<%>) = ap

and now I've got a handy first-order notation. If I didn't already
have map, I could write

   mapI :: Idiom i => (s -> t) -> i s -> i t
   mapI f is = iI f is Ii


   mapI = (<%>) . ii

is perhaps too tempting for an old sinner like me.

My rule of thumb is that tunes should be pointwise, rhythms point-free.

And you know the old gag about drummers and drum machines...



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