[Haskell-cafe] Point-free style

ajb at spamcop.net ajb at spamcop.net
Sun Feb 13 21:59:29 EST 2005

G'day all.

Ketil Malde wrote:

>        (.) . (.) .(.)
> I entered it into GHCi, and got
>         :: forall a a b c a.
>               (b -> c) -> (a -> a -> a -> b) -> a -> a -> a -> c

I got this:

Prelude> :t   (.) . (.) . (.)
(.) . (.) . (.) :: forall a a1 b c a2.
                   (b -> c) -> (a -> a1 -> a2 -> b) -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> c

Quoting Tim Docker <timd at macquarie.com.au>:

> Is there a straightforward technique by which type signatures can be
> "hand calculated", or does one end up needing to run the whole inference
> algorithm in one's head?

For this case, yes, but you need to expand the point-free style first.
Using the combinator B to represent (.):

    (.) . (.) . (.)
  = \f -> B (B (B f))
  = \f g x -> B (B (B f)) g x
  = \f g x -> B (B f) (g x)
  = \f g x y -> B (B f) (g x) y
  = \f g x y -> B f (g x y)
  = \f g x y z -> f (g x y z)

The type should now be obvious.

However, it's probably easier in this case to get the expanded lambda
expression directly from the type's "free theorem".

Andrew Bromage

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