[Haskell-cafe] Things to avoid (Was: Top 20 ``things'' to know in Haskell)

Thomas Jäger thjaeger at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 06:02:56 EST 2005


On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 16:18:19 -0800, Iavor Diatchki
<iavor.diatchki at gmail.com> wrote:
> > because I don't like the current situation with (n+k)-patterns:
> > Everybody says they're evil, but hardly anybody can explain why he
> > thinks so.
> I think 'evil' may be a little too strong.  I think the usual argument
> against 'n+k' patterns is that:
> i) they are a very special case, and may be confusing as they make it
> look as if '+' was a constructor, which it is not

> ii) they lead to some weird syntactic complications, e.g.
> x + 3 = 5 defines a function called '+', while (x + 3) = 5 defines a
> variable 'x' to be equal to 2.
> and there is other weirdness like:
> x + 2 : xs = ...
> does this define '+' or ('x' and 'xs')?  i think it is '+'.  
IMO, that's not a big problem, because if ambigouties arise, only one
of the possible meanings will compile (e.g. if you use + somewhere
else in the module, ghc will complain about an ambigous occurrence of
`+'). All (rather strange) other cases are caught by ghc -Wall.

I found another disadvantage:
iii) As a side effects of how n+k patterns work, each instance of the
Num class must also be an instance of Eq, which of course doesn't make
sense for all numeric types.

> anyways
> when used as intended 'n+k' are cute.   it is not clear if the
> complications in the language specification and implementaions are
> worth the trouble though.
It's true that their functionality can be easily expressed without them.

I like to see them (well, n+1 patterns) as a special case of views
because they allow numbers to be matched against something that is not
a constructor and involve a computation on pattern matching. An
unambigous replacement using views could look somewhat like
> foo Zero      = 1
> foo (Succ n) = 2 * foo n


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